Thursday 19 March 2009

Too much red meat could lead to blindness, claim scientists

From the Telegraph Researchers have shown that those who consume 10 portions or more a week are nearly 50 per cent more likely to experience deterioration of the retina in old age.

But tucking into chicken at least three times a week can have a protective effect, reducing the risk of blindness by more than half.

The findings, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, are the latest to suggest a strong link between diet and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Britain's leading cause of vision loss.

The macular is the central and most sensitive section of the retina. It allows us to see fine detail for reading and writing, as well as our ability to see colour.

The disease affects an estimated 500,000 people in the UK. It usually develops after the age of 50 and is caused by the growth of new blood vessels under the centre of the retina.

These blood vessels leak fluid, causing scar tissue to form and destroying vision in the centre of the eye.

For many sufferers this process can take several years. But in extreme cases, it can take place within a couple of months.

The latest evidence suggests curtailing red meat intake could help some people ward off the disease.

Researchers at the University of Melbourne, Australia, studied 6.700 people aged between 58 and 69.

They documented how many had early signs of AMD and matched the results up with dietary habits gleaned from food questionnaires.

The results showed those who ate an average of ten portions of red meat a week – such as roast beef, meatballs or lamb chops – were 47 per cent more likely to be suffering the early symptoms of AMD than those who ate it less than five times a week.

In contrast, those who ate chicken at least 3.5 times a week were around 57 per cent less likely to have vision loss than those who ate it 1.5 times a week.

OK, seems sensible, but tell me, how many “older” people can afford to eat red meat ten times a week?

I eat like a vulture. Unfortunately the resemblance doesn't end there.” Groucho Marx


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