Friday 21 August 2009

GMC-still can’t organise a piss up in a brewery

BBC NEWS Wales Inquiry into exam error doctors

Four medical students were told they passed their finals when in fact they had failed, must be investigated, the General Medical Council has said.

The medics, who had started work at hospitals in south and west Wales, have now been suspended from duty.

The hospitals are reviewing the cases of patients seen by the junior doctors as a precaution and suspended them.

Cardiff University said it "fully recognises and regrets the resulting circumstances".

The four students had been working as junior doctors at Llandough Hospital in Cardiff, Swansea's Morriston hospital, Prince Philip Hospital in Llanelli and Withybush Hospital at Haverford west, Pembrokeshire.

A statement from Hywel Dda NHS Trust said it had been informed of the error in the exam results of two junior doctors who have now been relieved of their clinical duties at Prince Philip and Withybush.

"They had been practising for no more than eight days and were heavily supervised. However, as a precaution, the trust is reviewing the care of patients seen by the students."

Ian Lane, medical director at Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust, said it had "no choice" but to relieve the junior doctor of her duties after being informed of the error.

"I offer her my sympathy and encouragement to continue with her medical career," he said.
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg (ABM) University NHS Trust, which is responsible for Morriston in Swansea, also said the junior doctor they had employed was immediately relieved of clinical duties.

"The member of staff had been practising for less than 10 days, and this time included induction sessions," a trust statement read.

"All foundation programme trainees are heavily supervised and would have formed just one part of the wider clinical team caring for patients.

"No significant decisions about the medical care of a patient would have been made without the involvement of a more senior doctor.

The General Medical Council (GMC) said it will be asking the university to begin and investigation and to demonstrate that action will be taken to prevent a reoccurrence.

"We have spoken to each of the students affected to explain that we will have to remove their names from the medical register, we will refund their registration fee in full," a spokesman said.

GMC Role of the GMC

The purpose of the General Medical Council (GMC) is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine.

The law gives us four main functions under the Medical Act 1983:

· keeping up-to-date registers of qualified doctors
· fostering good medical practice
· promoting high standards of medical education
· dealing firmly and fairly with doctors whose fitness to practise is in doubt.

Not the “doctors’” fault, it is the Universities, but it is the GMC’s responsibility.


Angus Dei on all and sundry


Angus Dei politico


Anonymous said...

Can't help but feel sorry for the students involved - being told you have passed finals and then starting work as a house dog only to be told 10 days later you have actually failed is pretty harsh on them.
From reading your blog I have a good idea of your views on the GMC and as a doctor I agree with most of them. However it is perhaps a bit unfair to blame the GMC for this fiasco - the medical school and university are clearly at fault here not the GMC?

Angus Dei said...

Maybe, but the ultimate responsibility regarding medical education rests with the GMC, under the law the GMC is liable, I never actually said it was the fault of the GMC, but they still couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery:)

Anonymous said...

"but they still couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery"
Agree completely there - a self serving body who's only purpose seems to be avoiding its own abolition.

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